Knowledge Article
Compilation of Articles from MBIC Program/Activities
1. Time to Tap Biomass
Featured Interview on MBIC by The Edge (10 February 2020)
2. Green Finance for SMEs in Malaysia
Grant Thorton (2017), Switch Asia (2016), Oxford Business Group (2016), CIA World Factbooks (Online)
3. GST Preparation for Malaysia Biomass Industries: Bio-Energy, Bio-Agriculture, Eco-Products and Green Chemicals
Ms. Jessica Hong, Principal Consultant, Finet Associates Sdn. Bhd.
4. Green Technology Financing Scheme (GTFS): Maybank’s Perspective
Mr. Tan Kwang Miang, Director, Strategy & Initiatives, Maybank
5. Update on Feed-In Tariff in Malaysia
Dr. Wei-Nee Chen, Chief Corporate Officer, Sustainable Energy Development Authority Malaysia
6. MOSTI’s TechnoFund and InnoFund: Funding Criteria for Biomass Projects
Mr. Mohamad Noor Bin Md. Khatit, Admin. Officer, Fund Division, Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation (MOSTI)
7. Briefing on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) and Its Impact on Malaysia
Mr. Syahril Syazli Ghazali, Senior Principal Assistant Director of Strategic Negotiations, Ministry of International Trade & Industry (MITI)
8. SIRIM Industrial Innovation Programme for SMEs under the Eleventh Malaysia Plan
Dr. Chen Sau Soon, Research Fellow, SIRIM Berhad
9. IP Valuation & Commercialization
Mr. Mohamed Ikhwan bin Shahdzul Bakri, IP Valuation Unit, MyIPO
10. SME Financial Landscape
SME Annual Reports 2017/18 – SME Corp
11. Macro-economic Impact Study for Biobased Malaysia
LEI Report 2012, part of Wageningen UR, The Hague
12. Oil Palm Biomass & Biogass in Malaysia, 2017
EU-Malaysia Chamber of Commerce and Industry